The Coalition Wound Care Manufacturers, as the collective collaborative industry voice, advocates for changes in coding, coverage and payment policies to ensure patient and provider access to wound care products and services. Our role – and impact – is crucial as we work to ensure that regulatory decision makers are aware of real- time barriers faced by the industry, including challenges to specific product categories. We deploy advocacy to ensure that the value of and need for products was well understood by regulators and properly included in new and developing regulations. We monitor, review and build consensus comments for unified industry advocacy addressing:

Coverage Issues

  • Local coverage determinations (LCDs)
  • National coverage determinations (NCDs)
  • ARHQ technology assessments

Coding Issues

  • PDAC coding verification
  • HCPCS coding

Payment Issues

  • Prospective payment systems
  • Physician Fee Schedule
  • Competitive bidding
  • Prior authorization

FDA guidances

Our advocacy efforts span a broad range of wound care product categories:

    • Blood-Derived Products
    • Cellular and/or tissue-based products for wounds (CTPs)
    • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    • Lymphedema Compression Products
    • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
    • Surgical Dressings
    • Antimicrobial wound care dressings
    • Pneumatic compression devices
    • Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS)
    • and more…
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